Donate A Car In Oregon
Donate a car in Oregon and help us support all of our special programs.
When you donate your car in Oregon will help the following programs:
A Helping Hand Charitable Fund
An emergency fund that assists members of the community who need help with a month of rent, a car payment, utility bills and food or clothing for their family. When you donate a car, you will insure that those in need will not have to go without.
Meals for the Elderly and Infirm
Before each weekend, we deliver fresh, homemade soup to the elderly. When you donate a car in Oregon it will help us expand our kitchen facility so we can provide a meals on wheels service for the homebound and on-site meals for those who can commute.
Summer Camp Scholarships
Summer is a wonderful time for children to enjoy warm weather, fresh air and fun-filled days of camp. Unfortunately, not all parents have room for camp tuition in their budgets. We offer scholarships for day camp to children in financial need. When you donate your car in Oregon, children can enjoy six weeks of fun and excitement and their parents can have a well-deserved break.
Smile On Seniors: Hospital and Nursing Home Visitations
When you donate a car in Oregon it will assist us in our ongoing visitation program to local hospitals and retirement homes, where we bring cheer and moral support to those who need it most.
You can donate a car in any of these towns or cities in Oregon:
Adair Village, Adams, Adel, Adrian, Agness, Albany, Algoma, Alicel, Allegany, Aloha, Alpine, Alsea, Amity, Andrews, Antelope, Applegate, Arlington, Arock, Ashland, Ashwood, Astoria, Athena, Aumsville, Aurora, Austin, Azalea, Baker City, Bandon, Banks, Barlow, Bay City, Beatty, Beaver, Beaver Creek, Beaverton, Belknap Springs, Bend, Biggs, Bingham Springs, Birkenfeld, Blachly, Black Rock, Blalock, Blodgett, Blue River, Bly, Boardman, Bonanza, Bonneville, Boring, Breitenbush Springs, Bridal Veil, Bridge, Bridgeport, Brighton, Brightwood, Broadbent, Brogan, Brookings, Brooks, Brothers, Brownsville, Burns, Burnt Woods, Butte Falls, Buxton, Camas Valley, Camp Sherman, Canby, Cannon Beach, Canyon City, Canyonville, Carlton, Cascade Locks, Cascadia, Cave Junction, Cayuse, Cecil, Central Point, Champoeg, Charleston, Chemult, Cherry Grove, Cherryville, Cheshire, Chiloquin, Christmas Valley, Clackamas, Clatskanie, Cloverdale, Coburg, Colton, Columbia City, Condon, Coos Bay, Copperfield, Corbett, Coquille, Cornelius, Corvallis, Cottage Grove, Cove, Crabtree, Crane, Crater Lake, Crawfordsville, Crescent, Crescent Lake, Creswell, Culp Creek, Culver, Curtin, Cushman, Dairy, Dallas, The Dalles, Days Creek, Dayton, Dayville, Dee, Deer Island, Denmark, Depoe Bay, Detroit, Dexter, Diamond, Diamond Lake, Dillard, Dilley, Disston, Donald, Dorena, Drain, Drew, Drewsey, Dufur, Dundee, Dunes City, Durham, Durkee, Eagle Creek, Eagle Point, Echo, Eddyville, Elgin, Elk City, Elkton, Elmira, Elsie, Enterprise, Estacada, Eugene, Fairview, Fall Creek, Falls City, Fields, Flora, Florence, Forest Grove, Fort Klamath, Fort Rock, Fort Stevens, Fossil, Foster, Fox, Frenchglen, Friend, Gales Creek, Gardiner, Garibaldi, Gaston, Gates, Gaylord, Gearhart, Gervais, Gibbon, Gilchrist, Gladstone, Glenada, Glendale, Gleneden Beach, Glenwood, Glide, Goble, Gold Beach, Gold Hill, Goshen, Government Camp, Grand Ronde, Granite, Grants Pass, Grass Valley, Gravelford, Greenhorn, Gresham, Haines, Halfway, Halsey, Hamilton, Hamlet, Hampton, Happy Valley, Harbor, Hardman, Harlan, Harper, Harrisburg, Hebo, Heceta Beach, Helix, Heppner, Hereford, Hermiston, Hillsboro, Hines, Holland, Holley, Homestead, Hood River, Horton, Hoskins, Hot Lake, Hubbard, Huntington, Idanha, Idleyld Park, Imbler, Imnaha, Independence, Ione, Ironside, Irrigon, Island City, Jacksonville, Jamieson, Jasper, Jefferson, Jewell, John Day, Johnson City, Jordan Valley, Joseph, Junction City, Juntura, Kamela, Keasey, Keizer, Keno, Kent, Kerby, Kernville, Kimberly, King City, Kings Valley, Klamath Agency, Klamath Falls, Knappa, Lacomb, Lafayette, La Grande, Lakecreek, Lake Oswego, Lakeside, Lakeview, Langlois, LaPine, Lawen, Leaburg, Lebanon, Lexington, Lincoln Beach, Lincoln City, Lime, Lonerock, Long Creek, Lookingglass, Lorane, Lostine, Lowell, Lyons, Mabel, Madras, Malin, Manning, Manzanita, Mapleton, Marcola, Marion, Marquam, Maupin, Mayger, Mayville, Maywood Park, McCredie Springs, McDermitt, McKenzie Bridge, McMinnville, McNary, Meacham, Medford, Medical Springs, Mehama, Merlin, Merrill, Metolius, Midland, Mikkalo, Mill City, Millersburg, Millican, Milo, Milton-Freewater, Milwaukie, Minam, Mission, Mist, Mitchell, Modoc Point, Mohawk, Mohler, Molalla, Monitor, Monmouth, Monroe, Monument, Moro, Mosier, Mount Angel, Mount Hood, Mount Vernon, Mulino, Multnomah Falls, Murphy, Myrtle Creek, Myrtle Point,Necanicum, Nehalem, Nesika Beach, Neskowin, Netarts, Newberg, New Bridge, New Pine Creek, New Princeton, Newport, North Bend, North Plains, North Powder, Norway, Noti, Nyssa , Oakland, Oakridge, O’Brien, Oceanside, Odell, Olene, Olney, Ontario, Ophir, Oregon Caves, Oregon City, Orenco, Otis, Otter Rock, Oxbow Dam, Owyhee Dam, Pacific City, Paisley, Parkdale, Paulina, Payette Junction, Pendleton, Perrydale, Philomath, Phoenix, Pilot Rock, Pine, Pinehurst, Pistol River, Pleasant Hill, Pleasant Valley, Plush, Pondosa, Portland, Port Orford, Post, Powell Butte, Powers, Prairie City, Prescott, Prineville, Prospect, Provolt, Rainier, Redmond, Reedsport, Reedville, Remote, Rhododendron, Rice Hill, Richland, Rickreall, Riddle, Riley, Ritter, Rivergrove, Riverton, Rockaway Beach, Rogue River, Rome, Roseburg, Roy, Rufus, Saint Benedict, Saint Helens, Saint Paul, Salem, the state capital, Saginaw, Sandy, Scappoose, Scholls, Scio, Scottsburg, Scotts Mills, Seal Rock, Seaside, Selma, Seneca, Shady, Shady Cove, Shaniko, Shedd, Sheridan, Sherwood, Siletz, Siltcoos, Silver Lake, Silverton, Sisters, Sitkum, Sixes, Skipanon, Sodaville, South Beach, Sprague River, Spray, Springfield, Stanfield, Stayton, Sublimity, Sulphur Springs, Summer Lake, Summerville, Sumner, Sumpter, Sunriver, Sutherlin, Svensen, Sweet Home, Swiss Home, Talent, Tangent, Telocaset, Tenmile, Terrebonne, The Dalles, Tidewater, Tiernan, Tigard, Tillamook, Timber, Toledo, Trail, Triangle Lake, Troutdale, Troy, Tualatin, Turner, Tygh Valley, Ukiah, Umapine, Umatilla, Umpqua, Union, Unity, Vale, Valley Falls, Valley Junction, Valsetz, Vanport, Ventea, Vernonia, Vida, Waldport, Walker, Wallowa, Walterville, Walton, Wamic, Warm Springs, Warren, Warrenton, Wasco, Waterloo, Wedderburn, Wemme, Wendling, Westfall, West Linn, Westfir, Weston, Westport, West Stayton, Wheeler, White City, Whiteson, Whitney, Wilbur, Wilderville, Willamina, Willamette, Williams, Willow Creek, Wilsonville, Winchester, Winchester Bay, Winston, Wolf Creek, Wonder, Woodburn, Wood Village, Worden, Yachats, Yamhill, Yoncalla, Zigzag